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Hello Eagles,

As you are aware the East Union Schools, like many schools in Iowa, is considering the possibility of a four day week in the future.

The reason for this consideration is to improve teacher recruitment and retention. The districts that have been utilizing a four day week report less staff turnover and better success filling open positions.

Murray, WACO, Mormon Trail, Moulton-Udel, Cardinal of Eldon are currently utilizing a four-day week.  You can look up there student achievement data on :  Iowa School Report Cards

Lynnville-Sully, Saydel, Martensdale-St. Mary's are moving to four-day week in 2024-25.

Research site:  This site is primarily Missouri.  There are some good videos and papers related to data from across the country.


Surveys close on Sunday, March 3rd at 4:00 pm.

Public Forum, Wednesday,March 6th at 5:30 pm in the EU Auditorium.

Board Action:  Monday, March 21st at 5:30 pm regular board meeting

There will be a presentation of the survey results and a time for community members to share their thoughts at the Public Forum. The board will utilize a format where a patron will have three minutes to speak, capping the overall time for community input at one hour.

If you would like to share your thoughts via email you can contact any or all of the Board and myself at our email address:

Board Members:

Adam Tallmon, President:

Carol Eckels, Vice President:

Sam McKnight:

Jamie Buffington:

Amber Tate:

Tim Kuehl, Superintendent:

Sample calendars:

EU Draft 5 Day Calendar

EU Draft 4 Day Calendar

Murray 23-24 Calendar

Survey Link:

Spring Family/Community Survey

The link can also be found on East Union social media and the district website. Please feel free to share the link via email or social media to ensure that patrons have an opportunity to share their perceptions.

Fall Survey Data:

Family/Community Results

Staff Survey Results:

Student Results: